Facade/entrance in Hotel Continental Saigon

Hotel Continental Saigon


Hotel Continental Saigonへようこそ!ホーチミン市の賑やかな中心部にあるあなたのオアシスです!エレガントなデザインと現代的な快適さが融合したこの4つ星の宝石は、レジャーと冒険の両方を求める旅行者に最適です。市中心部からわずか5.9マイルの場所に位置しているため、活気ある文化、美味しいストリートフード、そしてあなたを待っている歴史的なランドマークから決して遠くありません!料金は1泊わずか$90から始まり、ベトナムの素晴らしさを探求したい方には最適な選択肢です。


554件のポジティブなレビューを受けて、旅行者たちはここでの体験を絶賛しています!庭を散策したり、テラスでくつろいだり、バーでさわやかな飲み物を楽しんだりしてください。ビジネスでもレジャーでも、当ホテルのフィットネスセンターと会議施設はあなたのニーズに応えます。Hotel Continental Saigonでは、あなたの滞在が快適で忘れられないものになるように努めていますので、荷物をまとめてベトナムの中心でのスリリングな冒険に備えましょう!

View (from property/room) in Hotel Continental Saigon
Landmark view in Hotel Continental Saigon


Heritage Room - single occupancy in Hotel Continental Saigon


2 シングルベッド

1 クイーンサイズベッド


430 平方フィート

Heritage, 2 シングルベッド, シングルユース






1 シングルベッド

1 ダブルベッド

デラックス, シティビュー


Opera View  Suite - single occupancy in Hotel Continental Saigon


2 シングルベッド

1 クイーンサイズベッド


590 平方フィート

スイートルーム, Opera View, シングルユース






Hotel Continental Saigonでは、2つの特別なダイニングオプションで美食の喜びがあなたを待っています!エレガントなル・ブルジョワレストランで旅を始め、冒険にぴったりの絶妙なヨーロッパの味を堪能してください。素晴らしい朝食ビュッフェや、探索の一日を終えた後のゆったりとしたディナーを楽しむ中で、雰囲気に魅了されることでしょう。もしベトナム料理が気になるなら、コンチネンタルパレスレストランがあなたの行きつけのスポットです。ベトナムの豊かな文化を反映した本格的な地元料理で味覚を楽しませてください。どの食事も大切な体験となり、あなたの滞在を美食の冒険にします!

観光を楽しむ間、魅力的なレジャーアクティビティの数々で自分を甘やかすチャンスをお見逃しなく。刺激的な冒険で満たされた一日の後は、リラックスできるマッサージでくつろぐか、フィットネスセンターでウェルネスルーチンを続けてください。心地よいサウナでストレスを解消し、リフレッシュするのに最適です!小さなお子様と一緒に旅行している場合は、ロマンチックな夕方のカクテルをテラスで楽しむ間、私たちがベビーシッティングをお手伝いします。Hotel Continental Saigonでは、すべての瞬間がリラクゼーションと喜びで満たされることをお約束します。

Facade/entrance in Hotel Continental Saigon
Lobby or reception in Hotel Continental Saigon


ホーチミン市での刺激的な一日の後は、さまざまなニーズに応じた快適なサンクチュアリに戻りましょう。ガーデンビューのシックなデラックスキングや、居心地の良いジュニアスイートを選んでも、どのスペースも休息とリフレッシュを招くようにデザインされています。窓から街の壮大さを体験するか、ふかふかのベッドで夢の世界に漂ってください。Visa、Mastercardなどの便利な支払いオプションで、予約はスムーズで手間いらずです。だから、冒険と快適さが手を取り合うHotel Continental Saigonでの忘れられない滞在のために荷物をまとめましょう!

Bed in Hotel Continental Saigon
Bed in Hotel Continental Saigon










Bathroom in Hotel Continental Saigon
Bathroom in Hotel Continental Saigon


Le Bourgeois Restaurant


Continental Palace Restaurant


Food and drinks in Hotel Continental Saigon
Restaurant/places to eat in Hotel Continental Saigon
Facade/entrance in Hotel Continental Saigon
I wished to relive the ambiance of the Continental I had in my memory, when I first stayed at the oldest hotel of Saigon 33 years ago, while reading again A Quiet American on the spot it had been written. In this respect my expectations were entirely fulfilled. Beside a lovely and attentive staff, we were pleasantly surprised by the renovated facilities, amenities, equipments and sound isolation from the road. While this would probably not match those of neigbouring recent fives stars international chains establishments, they absolutely guaranteed a fives nights comfortable stay in Saigon. You will nowadays not find a room of equivalent size in recent hotels. 3.5 or more meter ceiling, Over 40 sqm room size. Just wonderful. And the location! Right at a historical centre. Just perfect, unless you would insist on river view and would then need to stay at the Majectic or on a rooftop bar and then stay at the REX, with the Continental all three owned and well managed by Saigon Tourist, i.e the (local) government. After all Vietnam is still a communist country... Highly recommended unless you are fan of modernism and adverse to the smell of old fashioned decor and ambiance. Warning: I may be a bit biased because of my attraction to the past and history... ps: Graham Greene's room was the 214....


We booked a room overlooking the Opera House. I messaged if it was possible to stay in the Graham Greene room where he wrote 'The Quiet American'. On booking in, I was delighted and surprised when they said we had been put in there. I had read 'Travels with my Aunt' years ago, so this was special. It was a very comfortable stay. The room was palatial. The pillows and bed were divine. The breakfast was delicious, and Vietnamese dishes, particularly tasty. If you like treating your gut microbiome and want to savour a coffee under spectacular trees and to the sound of birdsong, then this is the place to breakfast. We were also treated to nature's power shower the first morning, which the staff took in their stride. As we were leaving, I was very impressed when their cleaning staff messaged a photo of a silly tiny pink inflatable ring (that came with a bathbomb) that had travelled with me from Malaysia, to check we hadn't forgotten it! It gave the reception staff a laugh anyhow. All in all, it was a wonderful stay with the typically very high standards of Vietnamese hospitality.


This is a fantastic central location and the building is pretty. Rooms are sizable (opera view room 214, notably the corner room use by author Graham Greene) and with high ceilings. Great old world charm and pick it for this reason. The shower over the bath is lacking in pressure but does the job, but that shouldn't be a thing to moan about if you choose this place. For the money, I got a room with a balcony I could sit at all day and watch the world below across the front of the opera house. The breakfast area in the courtyard is nice with trees planted there from the 1800s and there is a good enough selection of foods to suit most tastes I would imagine. Both the Pho and Banh Mi were very nice although I am no expert in such matters. Both Chinese and Japanese offerings were there alongside the obligatory egg station and western breads for toasting.


We chose to stay here for the history, the location and the beauty of the building, and we were really happy on all those counts. Most of the staff were very friendly - special thanks to the waiter who quickly rushed to set us out some breakfast despite us arriving after it closed. The hotel still retains its charm, but with a certain severity. It was pretty much exactly as we expected and we were really content with our choice


The rooms are excellent, really atmospheric and some of the staff are exceptional in their helpfulness. A guy from the reception (don't know his name unfortunately) really went extra lengths to help us with finding the right room for us. I forgot some items at the hotel, they kept them for me for 2 weeks safely and returned swiftly and carefully daringly. Thank you again Continental!!


I wished to relive the ambiance of the Continental I had in my memory, when I first stayed at the oldest hotel of Saigon 33 years ago, while reading again A Quiet American on the spot it had been written. In this respect my expectations were entirely fulfilled. Beside a lovely and attentive staff, we were pleasantly surprised by the renovated facilities, amenities, equipments and sound isolation from the road. While this would probably not match those of neigbouring recent fives stars international chains establishments, they absolutely guaranteed a fives nights comfortable stay in Saigon. You will nowadays not find a room of equivalent size in recent hotels. 3.5 or more meter ceiling, Over 40 sqm room size. Just wonderful. And the location! Right at a historical centre. Just perfect, unless you would insist on river view and would then need to stay at the Majectic or on a rooftop bar and then stay at the REX, with the Continental all three owned and well managed by Saigon Tourist, i.e the (local) government. After all Vietnam is still a communist country... Highly recommended unless you are fan of modernism and adverse to the smell of old fashioned decor and ambiance. Warning: I may be a bit biased because of my attraction to the past and history... ps: Graham Greene's room was the 214....


We booked a room overlooking the Opera House. I messaged if it was possible to stay in the Graham Greene room where he wrote 'The Quiet American'. On booking in, I was delighted and surprised when they said we had been put in there. I had read 'Travels with my Aunt' years ago, so this was special. It was a very comfortable stay. The room was palatial. The pillows and bed were divine. The breakfast was delicious, and Vietnamese dishes, particularly tasty. If you like treating your gut microbiome and want to savour a coffee under spectacular trees and to the sound of birdsong, then this is the place to breakfast. We were also treated to nature's power shower the first morning, which the staff took in their stride. As we were leaving, I was very impressed when their cleaning staff messaged a photo of a silly tiny pink inflatable ring (that came with a bathbomb) that had travelled with me from Malaysia, to check we hadn't forgotten it! It gave the reception staff a laugh anyhow. All in all, it was a wonderful stay with the typically very high standards of Vietnamese hospitality.


This is a fantastic central location and the building is pretty. Rooms are sizable (opera view room 214, notably the corner room use by author Graham Greene) and with high ceilings. Great old world charm and pick it for this reason. The shower over the bath is lacking in pressure but does the job, but that shouldn't be a thing to moan about if you choose this place. For the money, I got a room with a balcony I could sit at all day and watch the world below across the front of the opera house. The breakfast area in the courtyard is nice with trees planted there from the 1800s and there is a good enough selection of foods to suit most tastes I would imagine. Both the Pho and Banh Mi were very nice although I am no expert in such matters. Both Chinese and Japanese offerings were there alongside the obligatory egg station and western breads for toasting.


We chose to stay here for the history, the location and the beauty of the building, and we were really happy on all those counts. Most of the staff were very friendly - special thanks to the waiter who quickly rushed to set us out some breakfast despite us arriving after it closed. The hotel still retains its charm, but with a certain severity. It was pretty much exactly as we expected and we were really content with our choice


The rooms are excellent, really atmospheric and some of the staff are exceptional in their helpfulness. A guy from the reception (don't know his name unfortunately) really went extra lengths to help us with finding the right room for us. I forgot some items at the hotel, they kept them for me for 2 weeks safely and returned swiftly and carefully daringly. Thank you again Continental!!


I wished to relive the ambiance of the Continental I had in my memory, when I first stayed at the oldest hotel of Saigon 33 years ago, while reading again A Quiet American on the spot it had been written. In this respect my expectations were entirely fulfilled. Beside a lovely and attentive staff, we were pleasantly surprised by the renovated facilities, amenities, equipments and sound isolation from the road. While this would probably not match those of neigbouring recent fives stars international chains establishments, they absolutely guaranteed a fives nights comfortable stay in Saigon. You will nowadays not find a room of equivalent size in recent hotels. 3.5 or more meter ceiling, Over 40 sqm room size. Just wonderful. And the location! Right at a historical centre. Just perfect, unless you would insist on river view and would then need to stay at the Majectic or on a rooftop bar and then stay at the REX, with the Continental all three owned and well managed by Saigon Tourist, i.e the (local) government. After all Vietnam is still a communist country... Highly recommended unless you are fan of modernism and adverse to the smell of old fashioned decor and ambiance. Warning: I may be a bit biased because of my attraction to the past and history... ps: Graham Greene's room was the 214....


We booked a room overlooking the Opera House. I messaged if it was possible to stay in the Graham Greene room where he wrote 'The Quiet American'. On booking in, I was delighted and surprised when they said we had been put in there. I had read 'Travels with my Aunt' years ago, so this was special. It was a very comfortable stay. The room was palatial. The pillows and bed were divine. The breakfast was delicious, and Vietnamese dishes, particularly tasty. If you like treating your gut microbiome and want to savour a coffee under spectacular trees and to the sound of birdsong, then this is the place to breakfast. We were also treated to nature's power shower the first morning, which the staff took in their stride. As we were leaving, I was very impressed when their cleaning staff messaged a photo of a silly tiny pink inflatable ring (that came with a bathbomb) that had travelled with me from Malaysia, to check we hadn't forgotten it! It gave the reception staff a laugh anyhow. All in all, it was a wonderful stay with the typically very high standards of Vietnamese hospitality.


This is a fantastic central location and the building is pretty. Rooms are sizable (opera view room 214, notably the corner room use by author Graham Greene) and with high ceilings. Great old world charm and pick it for this reason. The shower over the bath is lacking in pressure but does the job, but that shouldn't be a thing to moan about if you choose this place. For the money, I got a room with a balcony I could sit at all day and watch the world below across the front of the opera house. The breakfast area in the courtyard is nice with trees planted there from the 1800s and there is a good enough selection of foods to suit most tastes I would imagine. Both the Pho and Banh Mi were very nice although I am no expert in such matters. Both Chinese and Japanese offerings were there alongside the obligatory egg station and western breads for toasting.


We chose to stay here for the history, the location and the beauty of the building, and we were really happy on all those counts. Most of the staff were very friendly - special thanks to the waiter who quickly rushed to set us out some breakfast despite us arriving after it closed. The hotel still retains its charm, but with a certain severity. It was pretty much exactly as we expected and we were really content with our choice


The rooms are excellent, really atmospheric and some of the staff are exceptional in their helpfulness. A guy from the reception (don't know his name unfortunately) really went extra lengths to help us with finding the right room for us. I forgot some items at the hotel, they kept them for me for 2 weeks safely and returned swiftly and carefully daringly. Thank you again Continental!!



132-134 Dong Khoi, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, 84, ベトナム

Hotel Continental Saigon